Peter Scheller
Berater für Wirtschaftsprüfer, Rechtsanwälte, Steuer- und Unternehmensberater

„Wenn es knifflig wird.“


Taxation of spouses in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 2)

Taxation of spouses in Germany

In Germany resident spouses will be jointly assessed for income tax purposes unless they opt for seperate assessment. Joint assessment decreases the tax burden if one spouse’s income is highrer than that of the other spouse. If a spouse qualifies for …

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Assignment and social security

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Assignment and social security

Employed individuals who work in Germany are subject to Germany’s social security systems. Self-employed persons are in general not liable to German social security contributions. There are certain exceptions from this general rule. The most important exception is the assignment of an employee. The …

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German social security for expatriates

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

German social security for expatriates

In general expatriates moving to Germany are interested in their tax situation. For people with high income this is understandable. However, foreign employees and their employers should not ignore social security obligations in Germany. There are certain issues to be …

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Salary payments by third parties

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Salary payments by third parties

Sometimes employees receive wage payments by third parties. This happens within company groups or through benefits granted by business partners.        This occurs, for example, in the following cases: discounts granted by business partners (for example: discounts on …

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Filing US-income tax returns

(Kommentare: 0)

Filing US-income tax returns

Our co-operation partner Geenback Tax Services provided us with the upcoming deadlines to file US-income tax returns. It’s that time of the year again and the US tax deadlines are rapidly approaching! Are you ready to file? Here are the …

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Deductible expenses for work-related second household

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Deductible expenses for work-related second household

Expatriates who start working in Germany may keep the main household in their home country. This is especially the case if the family stays back home. This situation results in two households and leads to the question: Are the expenses …

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Child benefits in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 5)

Child benefits in Germany

In Germany there is a wide range of tax incentives for parents and other persons who provide a home for children. However, the complex network of regulations makes it hard for Germans and especially expatriates to keep a sufficient overview. The following … 

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Taxation of Stock Option Plans in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 30)

Taxation of Stock Option Plans in Germany

Expatriates especially from the USA and the Anglo-Saxon world who have been sent to Germany by their employers are often beneficiaries of stock option plans. Regularly these employees exercise options while staying in Germany. This raises the question of how benefits will be …

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Foreign source income and German income tax

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 99)

Foreign source income and German income tax

Foreign source income is in general not subject to German income taxation if a person is not resident in Germany. However, in years where a person enters or leaves Germany this sort of income might affect the progressive German income tax …

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Deductible relocation expenses in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 17)

Deductible relocation expenses in Germany

Employees can deduct relocation expenses from their taxable income if these costs are job or work-related. Alternatively, the employer may reimburse those expenses free of tax. If the employer does not reimburse all relocation expenses, the employee is entitled to …

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Income tax assessment in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Income tax assessment in Germany

A lot of countries such as the USA and the UK adopted a self-assessment regime in order to collect income tax. This means that an individual has to declare tax relevant items such as taxable income and deductible expenses. Every taxpayer has …

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Steuerliche Pflichten von Deutschen in den USA

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 141)

Steuerliche Pflichten von Deutschen in den USA

Natürlich ist klar, dass deutsche Staatsbürger in den USA Einkommensteuererklärungen abgeben müssen, wenn sie dort wohnen und Einkünfte erzielen. Schon weniger bekannt ist die Tatsache, dass sie auch dann US-Steuererklärungen abzugeben haben, wenn sie in Deutschland ansässig sind aber gewisse …

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