Double household in Germany
von Administrator (Kommentare: 1)
mehr erfahren Double household in Germany
- Schlagwörter:
- German income tax
- Germany
- income tax
- work-related double household
- Kategorien:
- Einkommensteuer / Income Tax
S Corporation as tax trap for US-expatriates?
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren S Corporation as tax trap for US-expatriates?
- Schlagwörter:
- Double Taxation Convention
- German income tax
- income tax
- S Corporation
- Kategorien:
- Auswanderer / Expatriates
- Einkommensteuer / Income Tax
German tax residence
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 14)
Investment in German real estate
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
Expatriates: 10 issues to be considered if working in Germany
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 1)
mehr erfahren Expatriates: 10 issues to be considered if working in Germany
- Schlagwörter:
- Abfindung
- Arbeitnehmerentsendung
- Arbeitsgericht
- Arbeitsvertrag
- Assignment agreement
- Assignment of staff
- Benefits in kind
- Compensation
- Dismissal protection law
- Entsendevertrag
- Finanzamt
- Flexible time saving account
- German income tax
- German taxation
- Germany
- Holidays
- income tax
- Kündigung
- Kündigungsschutzgesetz
- labour
- Labour contract
- Labour court
- Probezeit
- Sachbezüge
- social security
- Social security agency
- Sozialversicherung
- Sozialversicherungsträger
- Standard allowance for food and drinks
- Tax office
- Termination
- Trial period
- Urlaub
- Vacation
- Verpflegungsmehraufwendungen
- work contract
- Zeitarbeitskonto
Expatriates: 10 tax issues to be considered in Germany
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 61)
mehr erfahren Expatriates: 10 tax issues to be considered in Germany
- Schlagwörter:
- Anglo-American law
- charities
- documentation
- Einkommensteuer
- EU
- European Court of Justice
- Expatriates
- Expats
- fund-based pension plans
- German income tax
- German income taxes
- Germany
- Great Britain
- Hausgeldabrechnung
- Haushaltsnahe Dienstleistungen
- income tax
- non-profit organisations
- pension plans
- pension schemes
- property service fees
- relocation expenses
- solidarity surplus charge
- Steuerberater
- stock options
- tax
- tax assessment
- tax rates
- trusts
- Umzugskosten