
German inheritance and gift tax (Part 2)
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren German inheritance and gift tax (Part 2)
- Schlagwörter:
- allowances
- Germany
- gift tax
- inheritance tax
- tax class
- tax rate
- trustee
German inheritance and gift tax - International cases
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren German inheritance and gift tax - International cases
- Schlagwörter:
- Germany
- gift tax
- inheritance tax
Germany’s social security system
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
Germany’s social security system
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren Germany’s social security system
- Schlagwörter:
- accident insurance
- artists’ social security fund
- Berufsgenossenschaft
- Bundesagentur für Arbeit
- clearing Office
- contribution statement
- Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund
- employee-like workers
- employers’ liability insurance association
- employment
- expatriates
- Federal ministry of finance
- Germany
- pension insurance
- social law code
- social security
- social security law
- status determination procedure
- unemployment insurance
Germany’s social security system
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren Germany’s social security system
- Schlagwörter:
- accident insurance
- artists’ social security fund
- Berufsgenossenschaft
- Bundesagentur für Arbeit
- clearing Office
- contribution statement
- Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund
- employee-like workers
- employers’ liability insurance association
- employment
- expatriates
- expatriates
- Federal ministry of finance
- Germany
- pension insurance
- social law code
- social security
- social security law
- status determination procedure
- unemployment insurance
Germany’s social security system
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren Germany’s social security system
- Schlagwörter:
- accident insurance
- artists’ social security fund
- Berufsgenossenschaft
- Bundesagentur für Arbeit
- clearing Office
- contribution statement
- Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund
- employee-like workers
- employers’ liability insurance association
- employment
- expatriates
- Federal ministry of finance
- Germany
- pension insurance
- social law code
- social security
- social security law
- status determination procedure
- unemployment insurance
Germany’s social security system
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren Germany’s social security system
- Schlagwörter:
- expatriates
- Germany
- social security
Comparison of the Tax Systems of Brazil and Germany
von Administrator (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren Comparison of the Tax Systems of Brazil and Germany
- Schlagwörter:
- Brazil
- comparison
- Germany
- tax
- Kategorien:
- Brasilien / Brasil
Tax benefits for energy-efficient building refurbishment
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren Tax benefits for energy-efficient building refurbishment
Tax news Germany - October 2021
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
401(k)-Plans and German taxation
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 39)
German social security: The need for an Authorized Representative
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 4)
mehr erfahren German social security: The need for an Authorized Representative
Self-directed Individual Retirement Account
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 3)
mehr erfahren Self-directed Individual Retirement Account
- Schlagwörter:
- capital investments
- Germany
- partnerships
- private company stock
- self-directed individual retirement account
- trust
- trusts
- Kategorien:
- Auswanderer / Expatriates
- Einkommensteuer / Income Tax
Expatriates: Reporting Obligations in Germany
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 1)
mehr erfahren Expatriates: Reporting Obligations in Germany
- Schlagwörter:
- corporations
- expatriates
- Germany
- individuals
- reporting obligations
- Kategorien:
- Auswanderer / Expatriates
- Doing business in Germany
VAT-refunds in Germany for non-EU business entities
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 2)
mehr erfahren VAT-refunds in Germany for non-EU business entities
- Schlagwörter:
- Germany
- import-VAT
- input-VAT
- value added tax
- VAT-refund
US-Citizens living and working in Germany (2)
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 6)
mehr erfahren US-Citizens living and working in Germany (2)
- Schlagwörter:
- capital investment
- Germany
- pension plans
- Rental income
- S corporation
- trusts
US-Citizens living and working in Germany (1)
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 5)
The Expat-Team
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
- Schlagwörter:
- customs
- excise taxes
- Expatriates
- Germany
- income tax
- relocation
- social security contributions
- Kategorien:
- Auswanderer / Expatriates
Germany searches for skilled workers
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren Germany searches for skilled workers
- Schlagwörter:
- Germany
- income tax
- labour law
- skilled workers
- social security system
- specialists
Job related expenses
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 1)
mehr erfahren Job related expenses
- Schlagwörter:
- employment
- expenses
- Germany
- income tax
Abgabefrist Einkommensteuererklärung / Deadline for Income Tax Returns
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren Abgabefrist Einkommensteuererklärung / Deadline for Income Tax Returns
- Schlagwörter:
- Abgabefrist
- deadline
- Einkommensteuererklärung
- Germany
- income tax return
- Kategorien:
- Einkommensteuer / Income Tax
Tax deduction of a home office
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 12)
mehr erfahren Tax deduction of a home office
- Schlagwörter:
- expatriates
- Germany
- home office
- income tax
Income from capital investment
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 73)
10 tax issues to be considered if doing business in Germany
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren 10 tax issues to be considered if doing business in Germany
Registration of a new business in Germany
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 5)
mehr erfahren Registration of a new business in Germany
- Schlagwörter:
- Betriebsstätte
- Chamber of commerce
- commercial register
- Germany
- Gewerbeanmeldung
- Handelsregister
- permanent establishment
- trade registration
- Kategorien:
- Doing business in Germany
German legal framework for businesses
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren German legal framework for businesses
- Schlagwörter:
- corporation
- corporation tax
- Doing business in Germany
- freelance professional
- Germany
- income tax
- solidarity surplus charge
- trade and business tax
- Kategorien:
- Doing business in Germany
Why is DDP not suitable for imports to Germany?
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 10)
mehr erfahren Why is DDP not suitable for imports to Germany?
Germany’s tax avoidance regulations
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren Germany’s tax avoidance regulations
- Schlagwörter:
- Base company
- business in Germany
- CFC-rules
- EU
- Germany
- M&A transactions
- Kategorien:
- Doing business in Germany
- Internationales Steuerrecht
Double household in Germany
von Administrator (Kommentare: 1)
mehr erfahren Double household in Germany
- Schlagwörter:
- German income tax
- Germany
- income tax
- work-related double household
- Kategorien:
- Einkommensteuer / Income Tax
The unwanted permanent establishment in Germany
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 7)
mehr erfahren The unwanted permanent establishment in Germany
Freelancer and the „false“ self-employed phenomenon
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren Freelancer and the „false“ self-employed phenomenon
IAPA meeting 2017 in Warsaw
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
German tax residence
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 14)
Investment in German real estate
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
Expatriates: 10 issues to be considered if working in Germany
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 1)
mehr erfahren Expatriates: 10 issues to be considered if working in Germany
- Schlagwörter:
- Abfindung
- Arbeitnehmerentsendung
- Arbeitsgericht
- Arbeitsvertrag
- Assignment agreement
- Assignment of staff
- Benefits in kind
- Compensation
- Dismissal protection law
- Entsendevertrag
- Finanzamt
- Flexible time saving account
- German income tax
- German taxation
- Germany
- Holidays
- income tax
- Kündigung
- Kündigungsschutzgesetz
- labour
- Labour contract
- Labour court
- Probezeit
- Sachbezüge
- social security
- Social security agency
- Sozialversicherung
- Sozialversicherungsträger
- Standard allowance for food and drinks
- Tax office
- Termination
- Trial period
- Urlaub
- Vacation
- Verpflegungsmehraufwendungen
- work contract
- Zeitarbeitskonto
Taxation of Stock Option Plans in Germany
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren Taxation of Stock Option Plans in Germany
- Schlagwörter:
- Germany
- Stock Option Plans
- stock options
German Taxation: Tax incentives to build new apartments
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren German Taxation: Tax incentives to build new apartments
Keeping and storing accounting documents abroad
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren Keeping and storing accounting documents abroad
- Schlagwörter:
- accountancy
- bookkeepting
- data Access
- Doing business in Germany
- English
- Germany
- GoBD
- Rechnungslegung
- tax
- Kategorien:
- Doing business in Germany
Will overturned by Royal Court of Justice
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
German Trade and Business Tax
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren German Trade and Business Tax
- Schlagwörter:
- Business tax
- Germany
- income tax
- solidarity surplus charge
The Ins and Out of US Taxation for German Citizens
(Kommentare: 2)
mehr erfahren The Ins and Out of US Taxation for German Citizens
- Schlagwörter:
- Germany
- Greenback Tax Service
- income tax return
- non-resident aliens
- t German citizens
- Kategorien:
- Auswanderer / Expatriates
- Einkommensteuer / Income Tax
Assignment and social security
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
German social security for expatriates
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
USA: Interest rates on tax over- or underpayments
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren USA: Interest rates on tax over- or underpayments
- Schlagwörter:
- Germany
- interests
- overpayments
- tax
- underpayments
- Kategorien:
Deductible expenses for work-related second household
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren Deductible expenses for work-related second household
Child benefits in Germany
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 6)
Taxation of Stock Option Plans in Germany
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 30)
mehr erfahren Taxation of Stock Option Plans in Germany
- Schlagwörter:
- bonus
- exercise date
- exercise price
- Expatriates
- Expats
- Germany
- grant
- income tax
- income tax return
- Income wage tax
- stock options
- UK
- vesting period
- Kategorien:
- Auswanderer / Expatriates
- Einkommensteuer / Income Tax
Income tax assessment in Germany
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
mehr erfahren Income tax assessment in Germany
- Schlagwörter:
- Expatriates
- Expats
- Germany
- income tax assessment
- self assessment
- solidarity surplus charge
- UK
- Kategorien:
- Auswanderer / Expatriates
- Einkommensteuer / Income Tax
Property Service Fees
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
Profit distribution and German Church Tax
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)
Expatriates: 10 tax issues to be considered in Germany
von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 61)
mehr erfahren Expatriates: 10 tax issues to be considered in Germany
- Schlagwörter:
- Anglo-American law
- charities
- documentation
- Einkommensteuer
- EU
- European Court of Justice
- Expatriates
- Expats
- fund-based pension plans
- German income tax
- German income taxes
- Germany
- Great Britain
- Hausgeldabrechnung
- Haushaltsnahe Dienstleistungen
- income tax
- non-profit organisations
- pension plans
- pension schemes
- property service fees
- relocation expenses
- solidarity surplus charge
- Steuerberater
- stock options
- tax
- tax assessment
- tax rates
- trusts
- Umzugskosten