Peter Scheller
Berater für Wirtschaftsprüfer, Rechtsanwälte, Steuer- und Unternehmensberater

„Wenn es knifflig wird.“


Kategorie Auswanderer / Expatriates

German inheritance and gift tax (Part 2)

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Germany has an inheritance and gift tax that addresses inheritances and gifts in respect of taxation in a national and international context. This includes the transfer of assets from tax residents and non-residents. This is part 2 of a series of articles.

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Attention: Change in the taxation of qualified US pension plans

von Autorenteam (Kommentare: 15)

So far, withdrawals to persons who are tax resident in Germany were only taxed on the difference between the withdrawal and attributable contributions. If the recipient of the payment had reached the age of 60 and the plan had been in existence for more than 12 years, only half of the difference was taxed.

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German inheritance and gift tax - International cases

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Germany has an inheritance and gift tax that addresses inheritances and gifts in respect of taxation in a national and international context. This includes the transfer of assets from tax residents and non-residents. If the taxable persons are resident in Germany, the worldwide assets are subject to this tax (as an unlimited tax liability). In the case of non-residents, generally only German assets are taxed (as a limited tax liability), although there are exceptions, particularly for tax residents who transfer their domicile abroad. In a series of articles, we will describe the scenarios of cross-border inheritances and gifts from a German perspective.

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Deutsche Erbschaftsteuer (Teil 4)

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Grenzüberschreitende Sachverhalte werden von der deutschen Erbschaftsteuer erfasst, wenn ein Anknüpfungspunkt in Deutschland besteht. Auf der personellen Ebene ist dies der Fall, wenn entweder der Erblasser oder der Empfänger (Erbe, Vermächtnisnehmer, Pflichtteilsberechtigte) im Inland ansässig sind. Sachlich ist der Anknüpfungspunkt im Inland belegenes Vermögen.

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Deutsche Erbschaftsteuer (Teil 3)

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Deutschland hat eine Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuer, die Erbschaften und Schenkungen im nationalen und internationalen Kontext einer Besteuerung unterwirft. Diese umfasst die Vermögensübertragung von Steuerinländern und Steuerausländern. Sofern die steuerpflichtigen Personen im Inland ansässig sind, unterliegt das weltweite Vermögen im Erbfall der Steuer (unbeschränkte Steuerpflicht). Bei Steuerausländern wird im Regelfall nur das deutsche Vermögen besteuert (beschränkte Steuerpflicht), wobei es insbesondere für Steuerinländer, die ihre Ansässigkeit in das Ausland verlegen, Ausnahmen gibt. Wir werden in einer Serie von Artikeln die Szenarien grenzüberschreitender Erbfälle und Schenkungen aus deutscher Sicht beschreiben. Dies ist der dritte Teil.

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Deutsche Erbschaftsteuer (Teil 2)

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Deutschland hat eine Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuer, die Erbschaften und Schenkungen im nationalen und internationalen Kontext einer Besteuerung unterwirft. Diese umfasst die Vermögensübertragung von Steuerinländern und Steuerausländern. Sofern die steuerpflichtigen Personen im Inland ansässig sind, unterliegt das weltweite Vermögen im Erbfall der Steuer (unbeschränkte Steuerpflicht). Bei Steuerausländern wird im Regelfall nur das deutsche Vermögen besteuert (beschränkte Steuerpflicht), wobei es insbesondere für Steuerinländer, die ihre Ansässigkeit in das Ausland verlegen, Ausnahmen gibt. Wir werden in einer Serie von Artikeln die Szenarien grenzüberschreitender Erbfälle und Schenkungen aus deutscher Sicht beschreiben. Dies ist der zweite Teil.

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Deutsche Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuer

von Autorenteam (Kommentare: 2)

Deutschland hat eine Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuer, die Erbschaften und Schenkungen im nationalen und internationalen Kontext einer Besteuerung unterwirft. Diese umfasst die Vermögensübertragung von Steuerinländern und Steuerausländern. Sofern die steuerpflichtigen Personen im Inland ansässig sind, unterliegt das weltweite Vermögen im Erbfall der Steuer (unbeschränkte Steuerpflicht). Bei Steuerausländern wird im Regelfall nur das deutsche Vermögen besteuert (beschränkte Steuerpflicht), wobei es insbesondere für Steuerinländer, die ihre Ansässigkeit in das Ausland verlegen, Ausnahmen gibt. Wir werden in einer Serie von Artikeln die Szenarien grenzüberschreitender Erbfälle und Schenkungen aus deutscher Sicht beschreiben.

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The LLC and its members based in Germany (Part 2)

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 1)

In the USA, the Limited Liability Company (LLC) is regarded as a form of company that is easy to set up, flexible to handle and yet offers personal limitation of liability for its shareholders (members). Special features must be observed if its shareholders are resident in Germany. Some of the special features are described in two articles.

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The LLC and its members based in Germany (Part 1)

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

In the USA, the Limited Liability Company (LLC) is regarded as a form of company that is easy to set up, flexible to handle and yet beneficially offers personal limitation of liability for its shareholders (members). Special features must be observed if its shareholders are resident in Germany. Some of the special features are described in these two articles.

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Die LLC und ihre in Deutschland ansässigen Gesellschafter (Teil 2)

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Die Limited Liability Company (LLC) gilt in den USA als Gesellschaftsform, die einfach zu gründen, flexibel zu handhaben und dennoch eine weitgehende Haftungsbeschränkung für ihre Gesellschafter bietet. Besonderheiten sind zu beachten, wenn ihre Gesellschafter in Deutschland ansässig sind. In zwei Artikeln werden einige der Besonderheiten dargestellt.

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Die LLC und ihre in Deutschland ansässigen Gesellschafter (Teil 1)

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 1)

Die Limited Liability Company (LLC) gilt in den USA als Gesellschaftsform, die einfach zu gründen, flexibel zu handhaben und dennoch eine weitgehende Haftungsbeschränkung für ihre Gesellschafter bietet. Besonderheiten sind zu beachten, wenn ihre Gesellschafter in Deutschland ansässig sind. In zwei Artikeln werden einige der Besonderheiten dargestellt.

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Expatriates - Reicht die Unterstützung deutscher Arbeitgeber?

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Die deutsche Wirtschaft benötigt in vielen Bereichen Arbeitnehmer aus anderen Ländern, weil häufig nicht genügend qualifizierte Fachkräfte zur Verfügung stehen. Wenn diese Arbeitnehmer beginnen, in Deutschland zur arbeiten und zu leben, sehen sie sich besonderen Herausforderungen ausgesetzt. Es gilt nicht nur, sprachliche und kulturelle Barrieren zu überwinden. Auch Rechts- und Steuersystem wirken fremd und unüberschaubar, häufig auch verwirrend.

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Germany’s social security system

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

The artists’ social security insurance is a special part of the Germany’s social security system. The system applies for self-employed artists and publicists. Publicists in this sense are for example journalists. The system is financed one half through contributions of artists or publicists and by the other half through subsidies from the Federal Government and by companies, institutions, associations, or public organisations who utilize any artistic or written works created by self-employed persons.

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Germany’s social security system

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Under certain circumstances it is beneficial for foreign people to become voluntary members in one or more of the schemes. This is mainly the case for shareholders of foreign companies or partners of foreign partnerships who are not employed in Germany and therefore not obligatory members of Germany’s social security system.

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Germany’s social security system

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

The German social security system in general covers only employments. This means that it is important to determine when a manager of a corporation or a member of a partnership is deemed to be an employee and becomes liable to German social security contributions if this person continues to work for the company.

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Germany’s social security system

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

The German social security system is incredibly complex and varies fundamentally from systems of other countries. The parts of the system are very fragmented, and the legal structure is complicated. In addition, there are a lot of different players and organizations involved which makes it even harder to keep track with constant changes in legislation and court decisions. Even many Germans find it impossible to understand the system and its details, and for foreigners who relocate to Germany the system can easily become a devious monster. Therefore, we will publish a serious of articles with the aim to bring some light into this darkness.

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Germany’s social security system

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Germany’s social security system is complex and varies from the systems of other countries. This complexity makes it very difficult for affected persons and enterprises to follow their legal obligations and determine beneficial solutions. Therefore, there will be a series of articles published on this website explaining the German social security system and special issues that apply for expatriates relocating to Germany.

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Tax benefits for energy-efficient building refurbishment

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

From 2020, owners of residential buildings that are more than 10 years old can apply for a special tax benefit. The application can be made in a special form that is part of the German income tax return. This benefit can only be used if the owner uses the property for their own residential purposes.

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401(k)-Plans and German taxation

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 39)

US pension plans are an important cornerstone of retirement planning both for US citizens and US residents. As long as citizens and residents remain in the USA the tax consequences are straight forward. However, if a US citizen or a citizen of another state relocates to Germany and withdraws money from such a plan, the tax situation changes and becomes more complex. This is particularly so because many questions regarding the German taxation of withdrawals form 401(k)-plans or IRAs are still unresolved. However, a recent ruling of the German Federal Fiscal Court clarified one outstanding point.

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Relocation to Germany when a foreign based company is involved

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 2)

When shareholders of foreign based companies relocate to Germany, the tax implications can be severe. This is especially the case if the shareholder is the only manager of a small or medium-sized company. In this case the place of effective management of the company is also transferred to Germany with major tax consequences for the company and the shareholder alike. This article describes the basic tax issues but particularly the valuation of the company’s assets at the moment that is becomes a tax resident entity in Germany.

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Self-directed Individual Retirement Account

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 3)

There are various situations where an expatriate who relocates to Germany would benefit from a “tax cover” to avoid undesirable tax consequences. One way to avoid unwanted tax implications is the transfer of property which generates respective income to a German or a foreign company. However, this transfer often results in tax consequences at a later stage which may be considered not to be beneficial and so it must only be done after proper research. Another tax planning tool might be the transfer of respective property into a pension plan.

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Expatriates: Reporting Obligations in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 1)

There are several important reporting obligations in Germany. Most of them have to be observed by both German citizens and expatriates who relocate to Germany. The obligations apply especially to persons who are shareholders of companies, or members of partnerships who have set up a business activity in Germany. Persons in this respect are considered as both individuals as well as corporations.

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US-Citizens living and working in Germany (2)

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 6)

Living and working in another country requires careful tax planning as there are always many tax issues to be considered. In addition, social security and other legal issues such as immigration law must be observed. This applies for all US citizens who relocate to Germany and it is important to note that there are special issues to be observed. Different tax and social security systems in Germany and the USA may cause problems in addition to those contained in special provisions in the Double Taxation Convention between Germany and the USA (DTC USA).

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US-Citizens living and working in Germany (1)

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 5)

Living and working in another country requires careful tax planning as there are always many tax issues to be considered. In addition, social security and other legal issues such as immigration law must be observed. This applies for all US citizens who relocate to Germany and it is important to note that there are special issues to be observed. Different tax and social security systems in Germany and the USA may cause problems in addition to those contained in special provisions in the Double Taxation Convention between Germany and the USA (DTC USA).

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The Expat-Team

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Finding the best way to relocate to Germany is important and seeking early advice will save time, cost and avoid difficulties later.

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Working from home - a blessing or a curse?

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 1)

During this pandemic many companies are trying to keep their economic or professional activities going by sending people home and letting them work from there. This measure is not suitable for all businesses, but it is keeping many alive. Manufacturing companies or craft businesses will not be able to do this, but many of those in the service sector are taking this route right now.

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Germany searches for skilled workers

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

From 1st March 2020 skilled workers and professional specialists are able to move to Germany in order to work in Germany. This is due to the Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz (Specialist Immigration Code), which allows skilled personal from non-EU or non-EEA-countries to live and work in Germany. The previous restrictions in controlling the number of  specialists and skilled workers into Germany have been reduced  significantly.

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Job related expenses

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 1)

German income tax regulations are relatively generous if it comes to deductibility of job related expenses.

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US-LLC: Limited Liability Company - Zuzug nach Deutschland verboten?

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 1)

Die Limited Liability Company - kurz LLC - ist eine in den USA wegen ihrer großen Flexibilität sehr beliebte Gesellschaftsform. Diese Vorteile können aber steuerlich zum Boomerang werden, wenn ihre Gesellschafter in Deutschland ansässig sind oder es werden. Der Beitrag in der ISR 3/2019, Seite 114 behandelt die einzelnen Problembereiche.

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Tax deduction of a home office

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 12)

Self-employed people as well as employees may work some of the time or permanently from home. This raises the question of whether and when expenses for a home office are tax deductible in Germany and if so, what kind of expenses are valid.

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Besteuerung von US-Renten in Deutschland

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 62)

Es gibt eine Anzahl von US-Staatsbürgern, die nach Beendigung ihres aktiven Berufslebens ihren Wohnsitz in Deutschland haben oder nehmen. Die kann familiäre oder andere private Gründe haben, im Einzelfall auch politische. Es stellt sich in diesen Fällen immer die Frage, wie Altersversorgungsbezüge aus den USA in Deutschland besteuert werden und ob eine Doppelbesteuerung droht. Dieselben Fragen stellen sich natürlich auch für Deutsche, die in ihrer aktiven Zeit Rentenansprüche gegenüber US-Altersvorsorgeeinrichtungen erworben haben. Die Autoren Peter Scheller und Michael Dauer haben hierüber in der ISR 1/2019, Seite 32 einen Artikel veröffentlicht.

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Income from capital investment

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 73)

Traditionally Germany has had a so called synthetic tax system. That means that the total income from each and every source is amalgamated and the sum multiplied by the individual tax rate of the taxpayer. This method also means that losses from certain sources (such as trade and business or renting out real estate and property) can be credited against other positive income. Germany abolished this system with regard to income from capital investments and now this kind of income is not part of this amalgamation but is taxed at a special tax rate.

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Expatriates: Impacts of a hard BREXIT for British citizens living in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

The United Kingdom and the European Union are still negotiating about an exit agreement. The hard line of EU negotiators and more so the deep discord within the governing Conservative party about Great Britain’s negotiation strategy make it more and more unlikely that both parties will come to an agreement by 29 March 2019. A hard Brexit become more and more a likely scenario. This will have wide-reaching consequences for British citizens living in Germany.

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Alters- und Krankenversicherungen für Expatriates

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Die deutsche Wirtschaft zieht viele Fachkräfte aus dem Ausland an, die für eine gewisse Zeit in Deutschland leben und arbeiten. Diese Fachkräfte sehen sich mit einer Vielzahl steuerlicher und sozialversicherungsrechtlicher Fragen in Deutschland konfrontiert. In der Praxis sind Krankenversicherung und Altersvorsorge wichtige zu klärende Punkte. Im ersten Teil der Untersuchung stehen die sozialversicherungsrechtlichen, im zweiten Teil die steuerlichen Regelungen zur Kranken-und Rentenversicherung während der Tätigkeit in Deutschland im Vordergrund. Die steuerlichen Wirkungen während der Auszahlungsphase von Renten müssen einem weiteren Artikel vorbehalten bleiben. Der Beitrag wurde veröffentlich in der ISR 2018, Seite 178.

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German income taxation of US pensions and similar retirement provisions

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 76)

US citizens and lawful permanent residents (green card holders) may wish to retire in Germany. This has tax implications in Germany and in the US.

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LLC – Limited Liability Company and German taxation

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 13)

LLC – Limited Liability Company and German taxation

There are good reasons to form a LLC in the USA. It combines preferable characteristics such as a far-reaching legal flexibility of the corporate structure with a limited liability of its shareholders. Beside this the shareholders can choose whether the …

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The unwanted permanent establishment in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 7)

The unwanted permanent establishment in Germany

Expatriates living and working in Germany are aware of the fact that relocation to Germany has consequences in regard to their tax situation. Most expatriates who live and work in Germany are employees who work for a German or foreign …

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Freelancer and the „false“ self-employed phenomenon

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Freelancer and the „false“ self-employed phenomenon

Some service industries employ freelancers rather than employees in order to carry out certain jobs. To work as a freelancer can be beneficial both for the freelancer and his/her customer. However, if the freelancer’s position is similar to the one of …

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Umzugskosten bei Arbeitnehmerentsendung nicht leichtfertig verschenken

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 1)

Umzugskosten bei Arbeitnehmerentsendung nicht leichtfertig verschenken

Die Autoren Peter Scheller und Michael Dauer haben in der Zeitschrift Praxis Internationale Steuerberatung (PIStB 11/2017, S. 304) einen Artikel um Thema Umzugskosten bei Arbeitnehmerentsendung nicht leichtfertig verschenken – Teil 1: Werbungskosten veröffentlicht. Der 2. Teil zu den Bereichen Umsatzsteuer und …

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Expatriates: 10 issues to be considered as a retired person in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Expatriates: 10 issues to be considered as a retired person in Germany

In general expatriates relocate to Germany for business or job reasons. However, there is a growing number of expatriates especially from the US and the UK who are moving to Germany when reaching retirement age. The reasons for this move …

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S Corporation as tax trap for US-expatriates?

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

S Corporation as tax trap for US-expatriates?

The number of US citizens who are living and working in Germany increases steadily. Although their number with circa 110,000 persons is relatively small, their economic significance is high. US-citizens who move to Germany generally have either well paid jobs …

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German social security rates 2017

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

German social security rates 2017

In general expatriates moving to Germany are interested in their tax situation. For people with high income this is understandable. However, foreign employees and their employers should not ignore social security obligations in Germany. There are certain issues to be …

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German tax residence

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 14)

German tax residence

Residence is one of the most common criteria for the taxation on income. Most states tax the worldwide income of a person who is a resident within their territory. Unfortunately every state is free to define the term residence differently. …

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Investment in German real estate

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Investment in German real estate

For foreign investors Germany’s real estate property is still attractive although property prices are still rising. Foreign investors have to consider legal and tax issues in Germany. This article covers 10 main tax issues. (1) German real estate and taxes …

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Beschäftigung als Arbeitnehmer in der Schweiz (2)

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Beschäftigung als Arbeitnehmer in der Schweiz (2)

Im Rahmen einer internationalen Zusammenarbeit haben Hugo Schauli, Wirtschaftsprüfer der Wirtschafts-Treuhand AG, Basel und Peter Scheller die steuerlichen und sozialversicherungsrechtlichen Fragen deutscher Arbeitnehmer, die in der Schweiz einer Tätigkeit nachgehen, untersucht. In der Internationale Steuer-Rundschau 5/2016, S. 182 wurde der zweite Teil …

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Beschäftigung als Arbeitnehmer in der Schweiz

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Beschäftigung als Arbeitnehmer in der Schweiz

Im Rahmen einer internationalen Zusammenarbeit haben Hugo Schauli, Wirtschaftsprüfer der Wirtschafts-Treuhand AG, Basel und Peter Scheller die steuerlichen und sozialversicherungsrechtlichen Fragen deutscher Arbeitnehmer, die in der Schweiz einer Tätigkeit nachgehen, untersucht. In der Internationale Steuer-Rundschau 4/2016, S. 151 wurde der …

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Taxation of Stock Option Plans in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Taxation of Stock Option Plans in Germany

As an US expat, it’s important to understand the differences of how stock options are taxed in different countries. Knowing the ins and out will help you properly file your taxes in both the US and your host country – … 

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Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedure

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedure

Die USA sind eines von zwei Staaten, die ihre Staatsangehörigen und Personen mit Daueraufenthaltsberechtigung besteuern. Das führt dazu, dass alle US-Staatsbürger und Greencard-Holder zwingend jedes Jahr eine US-Einkommensteuererklärung abgeben müssen. Dies gilt auch dann, wenn diese Personen nicht in der USA …

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Will overturned by Royal Court of Justice

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Will overturned by Royal Court of Justice

It does not happen very often that a Court decision over inheritance law gets high profile publicity. However, the recent verdict of Her Majesty’s Court of Appeal regarding Heather Ilott’s share of inheritance attracted public attention on a large scale. You may …

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German Trade and Business Tax

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

German Business Tax

Germany imposes certain taxes on profits of domestic and foreign corporations with a tax representation in Germany. There are federal taxes such as corporation income tax (tax rate: 15%) and solidarity surplus charge (tax rate: 5,5% on corporation income tax …

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The Ins and Out of US Taxation for German Citizens

(Kommentare: 2)

The Ins and Out of US Taxation for German Citizens

American tax rules are complex for US taxpayers, but they can also be confusing for others who spend time working in the US or have US investments. Let’s take a closer look at some of the more common tax situations …

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Taxation of spouses in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 2)

Taxation of spouses in Germany

In Germany resident spouses will be jointly assessed for income tax purposes unless they opt for seperate assessment. Joint assessment decreases the tax burden if one spouse’s income is highrer than that of the other spouse. If a spouse qualifies for …

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Assignment and social security

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Assignment and social security

Employed individuals who work in Germany are subject to Germany’s social security systems. Self-employed persons are in general not liable to German social security contributions. There are certain exceptions from this general rule. The most important exception is the assignment of an employee. The …

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German social security for expatriates

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

German social security for expatriates

In general expatriates moving to Germany are interested in their tax situation. For people with high income this is understandable. However, foreign employees and their employers should not ignore social security obligations in Germany. There are certain issues to be …

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Salary payments by third parties

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Salary payments by third parties

Sometimes employees receive wage payments by third parties. This happens within company groups or through benefits granted by business partners.        This occurs, for example, in the following cases: discounts granted by business partners (for example: discounts on …

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Filing US-income tax returns

(Kommentare: 0)

Filing US-income tax returns

Our co-operation partner Geenback Tax Services provided us with the upcoming deadlines to file US-income tax returns. It’s that time of the year again and the US tax deadlines are rapidly approaching! Are you ready to file? Here are the …

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Deductible expenses for work-related second household

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Deductible expenses for work-related second household

Expatriates who start working in Germany may keep the main household in their home country. This is especially the case if the family stays back home. This situation results in two households and leads to the question: Are the expenses …

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Child benefits in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 5)

Child benefits in Germany

In Germany there is a wide range of tax incentives for parents and other persons who provide a home for children. However, the complex network of regulations makes it hard for Germans and especially expatriates to keep a sufficient overview. The following … 

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Taxation of Stock Option Plans in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 30)

Taxation of Stock Option Plans in Germany

Expatriates especially from the USA and the Anglo-Saxon world who have been sent to Germany by their employers are often beneficiaries of stock option plans. Regularly these employees exercise options while staying in Germany. This raises the question of how benefits will be …

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Foreign source income and German income tax

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 100)

Foreign source income and German income tax

Foreign source income is in general not subject to German income taxation if a person is not resident in Germany. However, in years where a person enters or leaves Germany this sort of income might affect the progressive German income tax …

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Deductible relocation expenses in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 17)

Deductible relocation expenses in Germany

Employees can deduct relocation expenses from their taxable income if these costs are job or work-related. Alternatively, the employer may reimburse those expenses free of tax. If the employer does not reimburse all relocation expenses, the employee is entitled to …

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Income tax assessment in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Income tax assessment in Germany

A lot of countries such as the USA and the UK adopted a self-assessment regime in order to collect income tax. This means that an individual has to declare tax relevant items such as taxable income and deductible expenses. Every taxpayer has …

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Property Service Fees

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Property Service Fees

Individuals can claim tax deductions for expenses connected to private homes. These rules promote family homes but also secondary residences or holiday homes. In Germany these fees are called Haushaltsnahe Dienstleistungen. Services must be linked to the household. These favourable regulations cover employments …

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Profit distribution and German Church Tax

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Profit distribution and German Church Tax

In Germany religious communities can request the tax authorities to collect a church tax from their members. In the past the Roman-Catholic Church and most of Protestant communities gave the authority of tax collection to the tax authorities. The church tax will …

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