Peter Scheller
Berater für Wirtschaftsprüfer, Rechtsanwälte, Steuer- und Unternehmensberater

„Wenn es knifflig wird.“


EU: Wealth and transfer taxes

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

EU: Wealth and transfer taxes

On November 20th, 2014 the European Commission published a study about a Cross-Country Review about wealth taxes and taxes on the transfer of wealth. The study compares the following categories of taxes: Inheritance and gift taxes Real estate and land …

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GmbH-Geschäftsführer in der Insolvenz

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

GmbH-Geschäftsführer in der Insolvenz

Im Insolvenzfall stellt sich immer wieder die Frage, welche Auskunftspflichten ein GmbH-Geschäftsführer hat. Grundsätzlich wir ein Geschäftsführer wenig Neigung verspüren, Informationen zu geben, weil er immer von einer potentiell vorhandenen persönlichen Haftung bedroht ist. Dies gilt umso mehr, wenn Schulden gegenüber …

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German Trade and Business Tax

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

German Business Tax

Germany imposes certain taxes on profits of domestic and foreign corporations with a tax representation in Germany. There are federal taxes such as corporation income tax (tax rate: 15%) and solidarity surplus charge (tax rate: 5,5% on corporation income tax …

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US Besteuerung von Deutschen

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US Besteuerung von Deutschen

Deutsche Staatsangehörige müssen in ganz unterschiedlichen Situationen im Ausland Steuern zahlen. Das ist relativ einfach nachzuvollziehen, wenn man im Ausland arbeitet und/oder wohnt. Natürlich denkt man auch an Situationen, in denen man in Deutschland wohnt, aber Investments wie beispielsweise eine …

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The Ins and Out of US Taxation for German Citizens

(Kommentare: 2)

The Ins and Out of US Taxation for German Citizens

American tax rules are complex for US taxpayers, but they can also be confusing for others who spend time working in the US or have US investments. Let’s take a closer look at some of the more common tax situations …

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Why is the British referendum on Europe necessary?

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Why is the British referendum on Europe necessary?

You might wonder why a pro-European German thinks that a referendum about Great Britain’s EU-membership is essential. This is despite the fact that I am an anglophile, have a Scottish wife and friends and colleagues from all over the Anglo-Saxon world. Why …

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Taxation of spouses in Germany

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 2)

Taxation of spouses in Germany

In Germany resident spouses will be jointly assessed for income tax purposes unless they opt for seperate assessment. Joint assessment decreases the tax burden if one spouse’s income is highrer than that of the other spouse. If a spouse qualifies for …

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Assignment and social security

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Assignment and social security

Employed individuals who work in Germany are subject to Germany’s social security systems. Self-employed persons are in general not liable to German social security contributions. There are certain exceptions from this general rule. The most important exception is the assignment of an employee. The …

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German social security for expatriates

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

German social security for expatriates

In general expatriates moving to Germany are interested in their tax situation. For people with high income this is understandable. However, foreign employees and their employers should not ignore social security obligations in Germany. There are certain issues to be …

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USA: Interest rates on tax over- or underpayments

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

USA: Interest rates on tax over- or underpayments

In the USA interests will be charged by the tax authorities for underpayments. Underpayments  can be the result of tax assessments or late payments. On the other hand interests will be refunded für overpayments (tax refunds). The Internernal Revenue Service (IRS) …

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  • Kategorien:
  • USA

Salary payments by third parties

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Salary payments by third parties

Sometimes employees receive wage payments by third parties. This happens within company groups or through benefits granted by business partners.        This occurs, for example, in the following cases: discounts granted by business partners (for example: discounts on …

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Filing US-income tax returns

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Filing US-income tax returns

Our co-operation partner Geenback Tax Services provided us with the upcoming deadlines to file US-income tax returns. It’s that time of the year again and the US tax deadlines are rapidly approaching! Are you ready to file? Here are the …

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EU-Kommission will europäische Gesetzgebung verbessern

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

EU-Kommission will europäische Gesetzgebung verbessern

In regelmäßigen Abständen berichten wir über die Arbeit der Europäischen Kommission. Eine der erklärten Ziele der Kommission ist der Bürokratieabbau. In diesem Zusammenhang ist auf die Agenda vom 19.05.2015 zur Verbesserung der europäischen Rechtsetzung hinzuweisen. Es geht dabei um mehr …

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Deductible expenses for work-related second household

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Deductible expenses for work-related second household

Expatriates who start working in Germany may keep the main household in their home country. This is especially the case if the family stays back home. This situation results in two households and leads to the question: Are the expenses …

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Achtung: Bauernfänger wieder unterwegs

von Peter Scheller (Kommentare: 0)

Achtung: Bauernfänger wieder unterwegs

Immer wieder versuchen unseriöse Unternehmen mit zweifelhaften Angeboten nichtsahnenden Unternehmen oder Privatpersonen das Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen. Dabei verwenden einige „Anbieter“ sehr professionell gemachte, offiziell wirkende Schreiben. Über ein entsprechendes Angebot informiert die Bundessteuerberaterkammer. Irreführendes Datenbankangebot Europäisches Zentralregister …

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