
Peter Scheller
Advisor for Chartered or Certified Public Accountants, Lawyers, Solicitors, Tax Advisors and others.
I have worked for more than 30 years as a German Tax Adviser, specializing in international taxation advising clients, colleagues and other advisers. I was a partner at Somann & Scheller – German Chartered Accountants and Tax Advisers. Somann & Scheller are co-founders of IAPA International Association of Professional Advisers and I was its president for 12 years and a board member for 22 years. In 2004/2005 I studied again at Hamburg University and graduated with a degree as Master of International Taxation.
After leaving Somann & Scheller 2013 I decided to work as a Freelance Tax Adviser, focusing on consultancy work for domestic and foreign colleagues as well as foreign companies or individuals.
With a net-work of various consultants we are able to provide advisory services in the following fields:
- German and international taxation of domestic and foreign companies
- Value Added Tax
- Custom duties and Excise Taxes
- Set-up of German subsidiaries
- Assignment of employees: Wage tax and social security
- German taxation of expatriates
- International succession
- Support in tax audits
- Legal representation in fiscal court cases
Co-operating lawyers will give legal advice and representation at court.
IAPA International Association of Professional Advisers –
Master of International taxation –